Curio Critique # 8: Instruction in the vernacular medium

Sl. No. Curio Book Title Year of Publication
8 The Punjab Educational Journal Vol 1. No. 4 June 1905 1905

Curio Book

Curio Reference

In the 1905 edition of the journal, there is a reference to the views expressed by Sir Guru Das Banerji in the Indian Spectator...: “teach English only as a second language up to the age of fifteen, not ... as a medium of instruction in other subjects”:


Related References
One hundred years later, the world over, vernacular education is being given due prominence. This is echoed in the content of the Blog post of the website of Global Partnership for Education, entitled Children Learn Better in Their Mother Tongue

The Hunter Education Commission (1882-83), we know, insisted on imparting of primary education through the vernacular. Interestingly enough, Charles A. Sauer half a century later, summed up his article entitled ‘The place of the Vernacular Language in Colonial Education’(1943) thus:
Colonial education should begin in the mother tongue, and even on the secondary level the social sciences should be taught in the vernacular. The official language is a necessity in the secondary school, particularly in the sciences. The transition from the vernacular to the official language should be gradual and made on the upper elementary grades.

It is a puzzle why the teaching of vernacular languages is not well received in India. Sahith Aula provides a plausible answer in his opinion post entitled The Problem With The English Language In India in the Forbes website:

Indians have come to believe that their nation’s prosperity, as well as their own, is wholly dependent upon not just learning English, but exclusively learning it as a first language. It began with the travelled elite, boomed within the middle class that was hired by multinational companies, and trickled to the vast majority hoping to escape their destitution but unable to afford private English education. Curiously, many states in India have attempted to make English the medium of instruction for all schools in an attempt to assuage the demands of the poor; however, the shortage of teachers who can even speak English is surreal. All of this while the vast majority is able to communicate in their respective mother tongues.


Curio Quest

Is instruction in the vernacular relevant any more in the age of globalization?

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